How to
your own
light plan 


First things first

What makes a room cosier than any designer sofa? An atmospheric lighting concept, of course. And that looks very different in a newly built detached house than in a newly renovated old flat. So, take enough time to go through your home at your leisure and ask yourself how you would like to use the individual rooms. Pay attention to architectural details, structures, or materials and think about which lighting mood would best emphasise them. Have you clarified all the important points? Then you can start planning your lighting.

Evaluate the space

Before you start planning your lighting, you should first get an overview and a feel for how you want to use the room in question. What do you need for this? Enough time, something to take notes with, and a little imagination.

Are you still unsure what you should look out for on your tour? Then you can download our checklist here.



Well, have you ticked off all the points? Perfect. Then you can go straight to the next step and take a look at your home’s floor plan. You can use it to analyse your living situation even more precisely.


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Do you now know your favourite route to the fridge? Very good. Then let's move on to step number three, where you decide which zones you want to divide a room into.

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YAY – now you are just one step away from your personalised lighting concept and will soon be able to bathe your home in a whole new light. Which light types and layers work best? Try it out right now.

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Choose your room

After all, light not only influences our mood, but also our perception. And this applies to every single room. That's why very distinct criteria are key when it comes to lighting the living room, bedroom, or dining room. You can find out what these are and what exactly you should pay attention to when staging a room in our Space Lightguide. Just click through and become your own lighting designer, step by step.

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